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NMMPO Monthly Meeting (virtual only)


The Northern Middlesex Metropolitan Planning Organization (NMMPO) will meet virtually on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 2:00 P.M., via Zoom at Meeting ID: 849 9489 2225, Passcode: 2050_k3.

Please note this meeting will be virtual attendance only.

To join the meeting by audio only: +1-646 931-3860. For assistance connecting to the meeting, please contact our office at (978) 454-8021. The meeting agenda is provided below.


1.      Welcome and Introductions

2.      Open Forum - Opportunity for comments from MPO members, community stakeholders, and the public

3.      Approval of the July 24, 2024 NMMPO Meeting Minutes (Vote Required)

4.      Status Report on Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Projects Under Design and Construction

5.      Adjustment to Envision 2050: the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Vote Required)

MPO staff will present adjustments based on a Corrective Action provided by FHWA and FTA in the Federal Certification Review. The adjustment revises Envision 2050 to include performance measures previously approved by the MPO on 2/22/23 and 2/28/24. Action item to endorse.

6.      EV Buses on Regional Bridges and Roadways

MPO staff will present the study as funded by the FFY 2024 UPWP and for which the MPO approved an amended scope of work in June.

7.      NMCOG Website Scope of Work

MPO staff will present a scope of work related to transitioning the NMCOG website to a Content Management Systems-based service provider to begin in FFY 2025 under Task 2.2, “Transportation Equity Program” of the FFY 2025 UPWP.

8.      Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Scope of Work

MPO staff will present a scope of work related to creating a region-wide bicycle and pedestrian plan under Task 3.9, “Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning” of the FFY 2024 UPWP and Task 6.1 “Active Transportation and Complete Streets” of the FFY 2025 UPWP.

9.      Public Participation Plan Scope of Work

MPO staff will present the scope of work as funded by the FFY 2024 and 2025 UPWP. Per Federal Certification Review, the NMMPO must update its Public Participation Plan by the end of April, 2025.

10.  Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Close Out and Adjustment 2

Staff will summarize work and deliverables completed in FFY 2024, how this work relates to the NMMPO Federal Certification Review, and share information about an FFY 2024 adjustment as well as amendments anticipated in October of 2025.

11.  Other Business not known at the time of posting of this agenda.

12.  Adjournment

September 18

NMCOG Council Meeting

October 16

NMCOG Annual Meeting